

Age 40’s

Andra had always struggled to believe she could achieve a body she was happy with, as physical activities never came naturally to her. After joining Re-Shape on a friend’s recommendation, she quickly saw results. In just a few months, Andra dropped from a size 16 to 8, losing 55 pounds and 12 inches off her waist. Now addicted to her active lifestyle, she continues to improve, thanks to the Re-Shape community, her bespoke plan, and the right support.



Age 30’s

Agnes's motivation was to achieve a leaner physique, and she was fully committed to her goals. In just 12 weeks, her weight training program helped her gain strength, muscle, and a new outlook on life. Her plan focused on building muscle and shedding body fat, improving her overall shape. Agnes's hard work paid off, evident in her physical transformation and the confidence she gained. With the right plan and dedication, real change is possible in a short time.



Age 40’s

Paul's transformation goes beyond the physical changes. With the support of his Coach and the Re-Shape community, he quit smoking, improved his eating habits, and enhanced his lifestyle. Initially focused on recovering from a severe back injury, Paul then achieved a life-changing transformation, losing 25 pounds and 7 inches off his waist in just a few months. Paul sees this as just the beginning, and given his progress, there's no stopping him now.



Age 30’s

After giving birth, Shipra struggled with her weight and tried various diets and gyms with little success. She needed a tailored approach to lose stubborn fat, and after joining Re-Shape, she dropped from a size 12 to 6, losing 18.7 pounds and 5.7 inches off her waist. Beyond the physical changes, her new lifestyle has significantly improved her daily life as a busy mom, boosting her self-belief and mindset. Shipra now calls herself a "Re-Shape addict!"



Age 50’s

As Bryce approached his 50s, he felt physically and mentally unwell. Despite past failed gym attempts, he knew he needed a change as his fitness declined. Within 3 months of starting personal coaching, Bryce transformed his physique, gained strength, energy, and confidence. By his 50th birthday, he felt fitter than he had in his 40s. Now, he enjoys weight training as a hobby, pursuing new goals, and even joined Loai in training sessions just 4 months after starting, showcasing his remarkable progress.



Age 50’s

Lorraine spent 8 months at a commercial gym with little to show for it, attending classes without clear goals. Frustrated, she joined us and, in just 8 weeks, achieved more than she had in those 8 months. Lorraine dropped from a size 16 to 10, lost 28.6 pounds, and shed 10 inches off her waist. Now in her 50s, she’s accomplished what she once thought impossible and inspires others to believe in their own potential. Many of her friends have even started their own journeys after seeing her incredible results.



Age 40’s

Rohit joined us for a 6-week transformation challenge with little belief in his ability to succeed after previous failed gym attempts. However, he quickly realized that with the right tools, he could surpass his own expectations. In just 6 weeks, Rohit lost 17.6 pounds of fat and 4.5 inches off his waist. His attitude toward exercise transformed, leading him to continue his journey with our 12-Week Athlete Body Transformation Challenge. Rohit not only pushed his physical limits but also experienced a profound impact on his life and outlook.



Age 50’s

After struggling to keep up with her family on a cycling holiday, Sue decided it was time to take action on her fitness and health. Not much of a "gym person," she simply wanted to improve her fitness. After returning from her holiday, Sue started 1:1 personal training sessions with Loai. What she initially thought was just a dream became a reality—she dropped from a size 16 to 8, losing 56 pounds and 4 dress sizes. Sue now confidently says, "Now I can give anything a go because I believe I can do it."



Age 30’s

For Jev, improving his health was the top priority when he joined Re-Shape. Facing breathing and sleeping issues, and a warning from his doctor about the risk of diabetes, Jev knew he needed a lifestyle change. Coach Loai designed a bespoke plan for him, which led to dramatic results—Jev went from wearing Extra Large clothes to a size Small. In just 4 months, he dropped 35.2 pounds and 12.2% body fat. Jev describes his transformation as "life-changing," and he now enjoys a healthier lifestyle alongside his partner, Lina, who also achieved great results with Re-Shape.

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